time sharing

英 [taɪm ˈʃeərɪŋ] 美 [taɪm ˈʃerɪŋ]

网络  分时; 分時; 分时系统; 时间共享; 分时度假



  1. By providing a way to create and enter containers, an operating system gives applications the illusion of running on a separate machine while at the same time sharing many of the underlying resources.
  2. Would you mind next time sharing your constructive criticism in advance? It would really help me improve.
  3. My son, robert, and I are having a wonderful time sharing from what many call the greatest chapter in the Holy bible.
  4. One of the early works in the field was a paper by Christopher Strachey entitled "Time Sharing in Large Fast Computers".
  5. In this paper, the design project of a new type electronic time sharing Watt hour meter is presents.
  6. Each panel may include menus and dialogs to run tools on the underlying Time Sharing Option ( TSO).
  7. Time Sharing Scanning Multiplexing Method of Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy System
  8. Timer commonly used to implement time sharing.
  9. Availability of multiple time sharing system Designer involvement in usability studies
  10. In systems with time sharing, a function that helps a terminal user by requesting him to supply operands necessary to continue processing.
  11. A computer having the capability of time sharing operation.
  12. Based on improvement of time sharing method, a suitable interpolating process is suggested for economical closed loop NC system.
  13. A control block used for communication between the time-sharing driver and the time sharing interface program.
  14. Computer time sharing control of electric drive system
  15. It can be carried out time sharing total control in accordance to the result of WEC.
  16. A design method of time sharing multi task dispatching module
  17. Optimal Dispatching System of Time Sharing Power Supply for Electrolytic Zinc Process Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm
  18. The interpolating algorithm for involution is proposed in accordance with the demand of CNC system and the principle of time sharing.
  19. Finally, it studies urban rail transit ticket carfare frame, makes reasonable programme recommendations, researches scale ticket price confirming method, analyses time sharing fare system feasibility.
  20. In order to make many jobs run in the same period, and realize the multi-user sharing, the technology of virtual is adopted on the foundation of time sharing to reach the shared resource and reduced expenses.
  21. For the currently abnormal large difference between peak and valley power demand. this paper analyzed the existing problems in implementing peak and valley time sharing electricity price and the harm of abnormal increase in peak and valley difference, and provided methods and suggestions to solve these problems.
  22. Linux kernel is one kind of Time Sharing System, and the performance should be improved in real-time applications.
  23. This achievable region is much larger than that for the time sharing system.
  24. Analysis of Time Sharing Management in Random Communication Network
  25. The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
  26. The simulation and the software for the random service system of a time sharing computer
  27. Communication module of software based on multi thread technology is used for realizing time sharing multitask of man-machine interactive module and communication module.
  28. A new control system for this kind of motor is devised in order to make the motor work in time sharing mode as a generator and electric motor.
  29. The technology of FPGA dynamic reconfiguration has also become a research hot spot in the field of computer system. It can realize the time sharing of FPGA logical resource. It can also curtail the IC scale of large scale digital system and reduce the power dissipation effectively.
  30. Secondly, need to redesign and optimize the supply chain process to ensure real time sharing and analysis of business data.



  1. (computer science) the use of a central computer by many users simultaneously